Useful Links

Here are some useful links to resources and information regarding energy-efficiency and sources…

We have worked with Arcadia since their inception, most recently as part of Bristol Green Capital 2015, to produce environmentally friendly pyrotechnic effects.

We have partnered with the Carbon Trust for a number of years on a wide ranger of projects.

We are keen to support DNPA, we have worked with them many facets from policy to due diligence.

DARE is the true grass roots of the community energy sector.

We have worked with the Energy Savings Trust for a number of years on a wide variety of projects.

Exmoor aims to be zero carbon, we support their ambition.

SEACS was a wonderful example of a European Union funded project that was hugely beneficial on both sides of the channel. There are fantastic educational resources resources still available, which we help to deliver.

WRAP are the go to resource efficiency gurus who combat waste and promote recycling.  They also administer the Rural Community Energy Fund (RCEF)

Fancy a nice little bike ride in some wonderful scenery? (what we do in our time off)